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Whether you live in a house, condo, or apartment, moving happens. In most cases, you can take your home security system with you when you move. We dug into the moving policies of top home security systems to find out about contracts, moving fees, and whether or not you can take your equipment with you.
Here’s what you can expect if you’re a current customer of any of the ten home security companies listed below—or if you're making a final decision about a service provider.
Protect your property
Professional monitoring is a worthwhile companion for your home security system since it mobilizes people when your alarm goes off. These professionals can send emergency responders directly to your home, which is especially crucial if you're unable to call 911 yourself.
From a cost perspective, the monitoring fee is the most expensive part of most security systems, costing an average of $31.65 a month across the 170 national and local security providers we've researched over the past two years.
In general, a monitored system that costs less than average is a good value because you won't find many contracts, but you will pay more up front for equipment.
Is home security monitoring a good value?
Because there's such a wide variety of monitoring plans out there, we think it's likely that you'll find one that's a great value for your needs. As with any service, value depends on how you compare plans. If you're comparing plans from a single alarm company, a general rule of thumb is that more expensive monitoring comes with more features, like smart home devices and security cameras. man with beard and glasses in yellow t-shirt sitting at table with computer and credit card out, on the phone. But when you compare plans from multiple companies, a different correlation appears: higher costs usually mean a better warranty and better equipment. The core of every professional monitoring plan is essentially the same: 24/7 monitoring of your home. Whether you choose a particular brand, device, or feature ultimately depends on your personal preferences and budget.A home security system is an investment, and as with any investment it’s important to determine the return you’re likely to receive. While it can be simple to tally the up-front and monthly costs associated with a security system and alarm monitoring, attaching a price tag to peace of mind is a difficult thing to do, especially if you have children or teens in the house.